FCCQ Inc. was first established in 1965 and is the oldest cat council in
Queensland. Listed elsewhere are the Clubs affiliated with FCCQ Inc., together
with their contact email addresses.
Our shows are generally held every one to two months and are open for the
public to come and meet the breeders and view all the different breeds of cats.
A Code of Ethics is issued to all new breeders to enable them to house and feed
their cats properly, which is of assistance to all in the management and
breeding of cats.
FCCQ Inc. Council meets regularly and consists of an executive plus delegates
from each affiliated cat club. The delegates bring matters of concern from
their respective clubs and these are discussed and action is taken if required.
Elections are held annually by secret ballot with all FCCQ Inc. financial
members having the right to have their say by electing the office-bearers, with
the exception of the Registrar who is appointed by the executive. Each club
also casts a vote for the election of the executive positions.
The main objective of FCCQ Inc. is to promote responsible cat ownership for
both family pets and the breeding of pedigreed cats.
FCCQ Inc. welcomes enquiries from breeders and members of the general public.
Please refer to the contacts page for the ways to contact us.